A Selection of the Patriotic Addresses

Category: Liberty & Human Dignity and Politics
By John Adams
Published in 1798
Reference #0278

Dedication: “Permit me to address to you a work, which originated under your own hands. If there be any merit in it, if a noble spirit pervade it, if the principles of Greece and Rome, in their most illustrious days, center in this volume, no little glory is due to you; for you inspired them. Like fire in a flint, this volume had still been latent in the American bosom, had not your inimitable art extracted it. While we thank you for the noble ardor which you have roused from Vermont to Georgia, we also acknowledge our obligation to you, for your fostering care of our concerns, and for your unprecedented, sincere and disinterested professions, which have arisen to such a height, that you would willingly adopt our whole nation, as your own!” “Full impressed with the idea, that these addresses, which I have selected from a vast number, will be of great service to you in appreciating our American character, I have collected this volume, entirely for your use, and request no other favor, than, to anticipate the inference, to wit, — France! Remember Britain!”
Works By John Adams