Reflections on the Revolution in France

Category: Liberty & Dignity/Philosophy/Politics
By Edmund Burke
Published in 1790
Reference #0047

Reflections on the Revolution in France, and On the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to that Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris.
First Edition. “A fascinating commentary on the historical, social and political mechanics driving revolutionary upheaval; it is a true masterful of political philosophy.” ‘Reflections’ “marks the pinnacle of Burke’s political career. In it he treats the social and political issues underlying the events of 1789 and at the same time he condemns the actions of the early revolutionaries and the ensuing chaos brought on by anarchy and mob violence.
Fearing that the social and political revolution running rampant in France might infect a susceptible English populous, Burke denounced the Perfectibilitarians’ argument for reform by stating that “any revolution that did not bring real liberty, which comes from the administration of justice under a settled constitution without bias from the mob, was not liberty.”
The book won immediate acclaim in England and throughout Europe with 11 editions exhausted in little over a year. Upon its publication, honors were heaped upon the author from members of Europe’s most prestigious royal houses including Catherine of Russia and King George.”
Works By Edmund Burke