Ciceronis Arpinatis Confulifcß Roma ni

Category: Philosophy and Politics
By Cicero
Published in 1481
Reference #0771

Illuminated and Rubricated Incunable in Latin prepared for a student of grammar, rhetoric, and poetics in 1481. It contains Cicero’s primary philosophical and ethical works implemented as a schoolbook for instructing students in grammar and morale in the fifteenth century. The volume consists of ‘de Officiis,’ ‘Paradoxa’, ‘de Amicitia’, ‘de Senectute,’ and ‘de Somnio Scipionis’ as well as several others works.
Included in the volume is commentary by the scribe who prepared the illumination and rubrication as well as commentary by the student who used the volume for his education. While providing the qualities and primary teachings of one of Rome’s greatest influences in Cicero, this work also opens an important window into the practice of elementary education in Renaissance Italy.
Works By Cicero